April 7, 2023

Ear Piercing in Tampa Bay with Head2Toe Pediatrics

Choosing a safe and reputable place to get your child's ears pierced can be a daunting task with so many options available. At Head2Toe Pediatrics, we understand that the safety and comfort of your child is your top priority, and it's ours too. That's why we offer families in the Tampa Bay area medical-grade ear piercing services from a trusted provider with extensive experience, ensuring the highest level of safety and care for our patients.

As a pediatric medical practice, we also understand the potential risks associated with ear piercing, particularly for young children. Allergic reactions, scarring, and infections are among the top concerns parents may have. However, it's important to note that the risks can be minimized by choosing a reputable and experienced piercing professional, using high-quality materials, and following proper aftercare instructions. That's why at Head2Toe Pediatrics, we use the Blomdahl medical ear piercing system. This system is a safe and trusted option for children as young as 2 months of age, and it minimizes the risk of allergy and infection. The Blomdahl system uses hypoallergenic earrings made of medical-grade plastic or titanium, as well as sterile equipment and aseptic techniques to prevent infection transmission.

We understand that ear piercing is a decision that families take seriously and it should be made with careful consideration. If you're considering ear piercing for your child, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us to learn more. At Head2Toe Pediatrics, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our patients, especially when it comes to procedures like ear piercing and are committed to making the experience safe and enjoyable for both you and your child. 

Head2Toe Pediatrics Ear Piercing Service Pricing

In-Office Ear Piercing $100

House Call Ear Piercing $200

Schedule HERE

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